Terri Sieben Personal Pastry Chef Service -TSPPCS

Policy & Procedures

TSPPCS Policy & Procedure
Ratified on January  7th 2020 at 1:44 pm


The following Policy & Procedures are in affect for users of Terri Sieben Personal Pastry Chef Service-TSPPCS and this website

Other online media outlets/businesses used by TSPPCS have independent policies and procedures.  TSPPCS policies and procedures do not in any way diminish other website/business policies and procedures.  TSPPCS Customers are responsible for understanding/following said agreements.  

TSPPCS cannot control the content found through third party websites.  Advertisements found on this site are controlled by third party companies. TSPPCS takes no responsibility for inappropriate content found on the web.  TSPPCS encourages minors to always be with an adult while visiting any web page.

Applicable Taxes are not included in the price of any of our products listed on this site or other such media.  When purchased through paypal the applicable tax will be added to the price through the checkout process

When calling our Customer service Customers will be asked for their First and Last Name as well as a contact phone number in accordance with TSPPCS privacy Policy

Alternation to  our products  can be made upon request.  An additional charge of  $5.00 will be charged for such changes.  TSPPCS  cannot accommodate allergy specific needs.  All products may contain nuts, wheat, gluten, soy, eggs, dairy and have been made in an area that contains nut products.  

 1. TSPPCS Return Policy

 1.1 Items purchased from this service for consumption are prepared using the best quality ingredients.  Returning any items that has been consumed (partially or otherwise) is prohibited.

1.1(a) Items that have been damaged once paid either through mishandling or transport can be exchanged with no additional CHARGE.

 1.1(b) If it is a case of the item spoiling there will be NO CHARGE applied giving that Item was returned within four hours after it was purchased. 

 TSPPCS is unable to return funds in cash if paid by credit. 

 1.1.1 TSPPCS Paying your account

 Customers may make payment by hand or use PayPal.

 If an order is placed using PayPal after closing, then the order will be completed on the next business day.  Delivery will be arranged by staff with the customer. 

 2. TSPPCS Unpaid Amounts

 2.1 If you have an unpaid amount and have and arranged a later payment date it is agreed that payment will be made by agreed date.

 2.1(a) Failure to pay by the arranged date could result in your account being forwarded to a Third Part Collection Agency.

 2.1(b) If there is a dispute as to the amount owing. Refer to 2.1(i)

 2.1 (i) The customer in writing must provide the amount owing with proof, using only document(s) provided by TSPPCS. 

  The Customer has already paid the amount but has been contacted either by phone, e-mail or in writing.  Refer to 2.1(ii)

 2.1(ii) Where a customer has already paid they must provide written proof.  Proof can come in the form of a copy of a cheque, bank draft, or confirmation number (from PayPal).  If the order was paid in cash a receipt provided by TSPPCS to the customer needs to be provided to a member of Staff.  The customer may also be responsible, if required to provide the Third Party Collection Agency a copy or the TSPPCS receipt to prove payment of made.  

 Subsection of 2.1

2.1(s1) Sale items which are put in our flyer fall under the same policy as any other order. 

 2.1(s2) No order based on sale price can be given for free to any member of the public. 

 2.1(s3) Some items listed on flyer(s) or other media cannot be paid through PayPal unless through PayPal invoicing. 

 3. TSPPCS Website/Service User Agreement for Terri Sieben Personal Pastry Chef Service-TSPPCS

 3.1 Users of the website are to conduct themselves in a way that makes other users feel welcome and unthreatened.  The following subsections govern the situations under which person(s) are in violation of the TSPPCS website/Service user Agreement

 3.1(a) Person(s) who attempts to tamper or deface the website or in any other way attempt to electronically stop others from using it could face criminal /civil actions. Any legal Actions taken will be to the fullest extent of criminal/civil law.

 3.1(b) Users who make personal attacks through comment boards, Facebook, twitter, Google+ or by phone will be dealt with swiftly and the service will no longer be available to that person. The removal of such service(s) is with respect to the ones TSPPCS use(s)/offers 

 3.1(c)Any criminal behavior that takes place on the message boards, Facebook, twitter, Google+ or by phone will be reported to Law enforcement agencies with the intention of pursuing criminal charge(s) within the criminal code and civil proceedings to recovers damage(s). 

 3.1 (d) Fraudulent use of TSPPCS by a minor will result in TSPPCS seeking criminal and civil penalties against the subject person(s). 

 4. TSPPCS Privacy Policy

 4.1(a) TSPPCS does not collect credit/debit information   through this website.

 4.1 (2a) Contact form(s) used through the website are not for the collection of payment information (i.e. Credit/debit information) for customer orders. Neither is the use of such social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google + or by Phone. Customer can make arrangement for CASH payments by contacting staff through this websites contact form by e-mail and by phone 365 887 3786/ 1 833 727 8797

 4.1(b) Order/ customer Enquiry Contact information given to TSPPCS Staff by phone or through the contact form found on this website or by e-mail is held for duration of the 1 year. 

 4.1(c) Customer information, obtained through subsection 4.1(a), 4.1 (2a) & 4.1(b) is kept for customer satisfaction survey(s) or to send promotional material for a period of one year.  After such time customer information is destroyed. Customers can request at any time to not be contacted regarding promotion/surveys by calling our customer service at 365 887 3786/ 1 833 727 8797 during regular business hours. 

 4.1(i) TSPPCS uses a payment processing service (PayPal) to receive payment online as such TSPPCS is not privy to customer payment information when a customer uses PayPal  


 4.1.(d) Exception(s) to 4.1(a) 4.1(2a) 4.1(b), 4.1(c) 41.(ii) is where local, state, provincial, or federal law enforcement provides a warrant to obtain customer information in connection with a pending or ongoing criminal investigation. 4.1(ii) under this section (4.1(d) infers to the seizure(s) of electronic computers by local, state, provincial, or federal law enforcement  that belong to TSPPCS

 4.1(e) TSPPCS does not distribute or sell personal information given.  Refer to sections and subsection of 2.1 and 4.1 for situations where the sharing of customer information may be required for legal purposes  

Terri Sieben Personal Pastry Chef Service- TSPPCS
Richmond Hill Ontario


L4C 2B7

365 887 3786

Toll free 1-833-727 8797

 TSPPCS  Wholesale  Policy

Ratified on January  10th 2020 at 1:32 pm

Terri Sieben Personal Pastry Chef Service –TSPPCS  Wholesale products  are for commercial resale with in Canada by food/ bakery/ and other businesses that sell products to the public 

Refer to the following sections of TSPPCS 
policy and procedures that apply to this policy 



4.  Privacy Policy

Subsections, clauses and futures changes all apply to this policy.  Not abiding to these sections would be causation for terminations of a customer’s business relationship with TSPPCS  and subsequent termination of any contract(s) held between the business and TSPPCS.  

Wholesale Qualification

Businesses  must qualify for TSPPCS Wholesale.

In Order to qualify the following criteria must be met 
1) The Business must operate within Canada 
2) The Business must be registered with municipal, provincial and federal government s(i.e. Business number e.t.c)  proof maybe requested by TSPPCS 

Wholesale Minimums 
All businesses orders must meet the minimum quantity noted beside the product.  

A business that does not meet these minimums may order product through our retail business  
Should a business order less than the minimum the price will be the retail price and no longer be wholesale.   The change will occur without notification the Business customer.  
TSPPCS is not responsible for the marketing of its product within another establishment/business.  

TSPPCS  does not provide marketing materials and will not market another business on our website or social media .  The following of a business on social media by TSPPCS is not an endorsement of the business and is not marketing for another business.   

Sale performance of TSPPCS product is not the responsibility of TSPPCS. Sale performance is the responsibility of the business.  TSPPCS cannot be held financially responsible for financial loss should product not be sold and subsequently have to be discarded.

Notification of allergy information with regard to TSPPCS product bought by a  business is the  responsibility of the business to disseminate allergy information to its customers .    TSPPCS  does provide a product sheet with ingredient and allergy information  for the purpose of labeling.   

Packaging of product is the responsibility of the business.  TSPPCS only provides the product itself.  This includes labeling, caloric count and nutrition.  TSPPCS  does provide a product sheet with ingredient and allergy information  for the purpose of labeling.   


For Consigment please call out customer service or write to personalpastrychefservice@gmail.com

An Application will be sent to the business  that must be completed in full 

The Application will ask for the following information
1) Business Name 
2) Owner(s) Full name(s)
3) Manger(s) Name(s) 
4) Business Phone number (s) & Address(s)
5) Vendor Reference(s) 

For consignment a business’s order must meet the minimum quantity noted beside the product.  We do not provide consignment clients a retail price option only wholesale pricing.   
A consignment contract must be signed between the consignee and the consignor.  Said contract is binding .  TSPPCS  will terminate the contract should the business party breach any of its terms or sections   Financial compensation through legal arbitration or court action will be taken should termination be required.  
The contract will be sent to the business by TSPPCS once the application has been approved.  The application can take 7-10 business days.  The business will be notified in writing of approval or non-approval 

The business may terminate the contract at the end of the contract period as stated on the contract document.  Early termination by the business can be requested in writing and sent to TSPPCS.    

TSPPCS product not sold but given on consignment to the business is the property of TSPPCS and therefor TSPPCS  must have unobstructed  access to all of it product during the business operating hours including walk-in fridges, freezers and other storage area(s) 

Sale performance of TSPPCS product is not  the responsibility of TSPPCS. Sale performance is the responsibility of the business.  TSPPCS cannot be held financially responsible for financial loss should TSPPCS product not be sold and subsequently have to be discarded.   

TSPPCS only provides the product itself . Packaging of product is the responsibility of the business.  This includes labeling, caloric count and nutrition.  TSPPCS  does provide a product sheet with ingredient and allergy information  for the purpose of labeling.   

A Business that receives product on consignment from TSPPCS must not sell the same product from another supplier.  TSPPCS must be the sole supplier of that product(s) sold by that business.  This include similar products or knocks offs .   

All product given on consignment must be paid in full to TSPPCS whether sold by the business or discarded.  

TSPPCS may request an accounting  of the sales for the TSPPCS product sold by the business.  TSPPCS may  request  an outside  auditor or accounting firm to verify sales figures of TSPPCS product sold by the business.  Compliance by the business is required.   
Notification of allergy information with regard to TSPPCS product bought by a  business is the  responsibility of the business to disseminate allergy information to its customers .    TSPPCS  does provide a product sheet with ingredient and allergy information  for the purpose of labeling.   



To Order Call Customer Service: 365-887-3786 or Toll Free 1 833 727 8797